Passionate about my family, simplicity, inspiring and living intentionally.



My Boys

My loves, my goofballs, my everything! These three light up my life. Each moment is so so sweet and always special. Raising twins with my incredible partner Matt has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of our lives. 

My Business

Today, I am an Entrepreneur with a billion dollar international skincare company. It's allowed me to be the best mom, while impacting others lives and creating residual income to further our family's dreams and our retirement!

My Blog

Bits and pieces of my life inspired to help likeminded people! My blog focuses on everything from life with twins, raising children, sharing my beyond beauty philosophy and of course, my social connect commerce skincare business! 


“Life is truly meant to be enjoyed! Be present, be intentional and be meaningful. Live life on your own terms!”

~ Michele XO